Recovering from Identity Theft There are now millions of victims of the identity theft epidemic. From stolen credit cards to fraudulently filed tax returns, a vast swath of the U.S. is trying to figure out how to repair the damage. To help, the Federal Trade Commission has created a nice tool to work through the…
Category: Uncategorized
Preview of Some Key 2017 Tax Figures While official numbers for 2017 are not yet released by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), many figures are based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) published by the Department of Labor. Using the release of recent CPI figures, a number of sources are projecting key figures for…

Health Savings Account Basics A Health Savings Account (HSA) is one of the best deals in the tax code. Money that is put in to an HSA is deductible from your income in the year contributed similar to an IRA or 401k. The big advantage is that distributions from an HSA are not included in…

Charitable Donations from Your IRA Can you take advantage? One of the temporary tax provisions made permanent as part of the tax code in late 2015 is qualified charitable distributions from IRAs for those who have reached age 70½. Unfortunately in 2014 and 2015, the law was extended too late during the calendar year to…
Have you ever wondered the chances of the IRS selecting your return for an Audit?There are other factors that influence whether or not your return is selected, but here is a basic breakdown (from our newsletter) by income level of who is selected for audits:
The DoL has issued new rules for overtime that go in to effect on December 1, 2016. Overtime rules are regulated in the FLSA (Fair Labor Standards Act). The FLSA provides exemptions from paying overtime to employees who meet all three the following three tests: Salary-level test: Employees must make above a certain threshold to…
Each year the IRS announces “Dirty Dozen Tax Scams” they encounter regarding frivolous tax arguments and fraud. While six of the “scams” are related to, “don’t cheat we have our eyes on you,” the other six are scams that all of us should be on guard to detect. Identity theft. Identity theft tops the list…
Phone scams from IRS impersonators always increase dramatically this time of year. Last year more than $20 million was lost to these scams. Here are some things to remember: 1. The IRS will contact you by certified mail before any enforcement action. 2. The IRS will never demand money over the phone or mandate a…