Category: Uncategorized

August 20, 2018 Curt

Are you Sharing Too Much Information Online? In today’s digital age, it is impossible to avoid the internet. Even if you don’t have a computer and actively avoid social media, there is information about you in some corner of the web. Here are some tips to help you manage your digital footprint: Actively manage your…

August 16, 2018 Curt

Dramatic Sales Tax Change The U.S. Supreme Court issued a ruling in the South Dakota vs Wayfair case that opens the door for states to impose sales tax on sellers outside their borders. The case highlights a new standard of business presence called “economic nexus” that may have major implications for businesses and consumers alike….

August 7, 2018 Curt

Ideas to Improve Your Financial Health No-one likes to be blindsided by financial hardship. Listed here are 10 ideas to help ensure your financial situation stays healthy. Create a safety net. Plan to have a minimum savings balance to cover at least three months’ of expenses (ideally, this should be six to 12 months). If your…

July 2, 2018 Curt

Manage Capital Gains Tax Tips If not tracked and managed properly, capital gains tax can come as a large surprise at tax-filing time. In fact, many taxpayers don’t realize they have a capital gain until they get their 1099 form in January and see a capital gain distribution. Here’s what you need to know. Understand…

April 26, 2017 Curt

appy tax filing month! To help celebrate, this month’s newsletter includes a tax quiz exploring the history of taxation in the United States. Also included is a reminder to help your favorite charitable organizations retain their nonprofit status, a simple four-step household budget building process and a reminder of some popular tax breaks that are…

March 15, 2017 Curt

THERE’S STILL TIME to complete your return by April 15th.   All information needed to prepare returns should be received in this office no later than March 21, 2017.  If we receive initial or additional information after this date, we will make every effort to complete your return(s) without an extension.  Priority service will be given…

December 14, 2016 Curt

Private Agencies to Start Collecting for IRS In late 2015 Congress required the IRS to turn over uncollected taxes it is no longer pursuing to outside collection agencies. The agencies are now selected and in early 2017 they will begin their collection efforts. This will impact all of us. Here is what you need to…

December 7, 2016 Curt

Last Year’s Tax Bill Makes This Year’s Opportunity For the first time in many years, it looks like a last minute tax law change will not upset your ability to fulfill a well thought out tax plan. In addition to making last minute moves to reduce your tax obligation, consider some opportunities to take advantage…

November 14, 2016 Curt

Year-End Tax Planning As the end of the year approaches, there is still time to make moves to manage your tax liability. Here are some ideas to consider. Maximize your retirement plan contributions. This includes traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, and SEP IRAs for self-employed. Given the contribution limits in 2017 are not increasing, now is…

November 7, 2016 Curt

College Aid Financial Package (FAFSA) Timing Annual FAFSA filing availability is now If you have a child in college or entering college during the next school year, you need to read this. The time to apply for federal financial aid is now. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is now available for the…