Financing a new or used car could spell big financial trouble if your vehicle is ever declared a total loss – even if the accident is 100% the other driver’s fault. Here’s what you need to know about staying safe financially if you take out a car, truck, or SUV loan in the future. Background…
Author: Curt
Life can alter your taxes with little to no warning. Here are several situations where you may need to schedule a tax planning session: Getting married or divorced. You could get hit with a Marriage Penalty in certain situations when the total taxes you pay as a married couple is more than what you would pay if you and your…
In today’s digital age, it’s impossible to avoid the internet. Even if you don’t have a computer and actively avoid social media, there is information about you in some corner of the web. Here are some ideas to help you manage your digital footprint: Actively manage your security settings. Every app, social media site and…
It’s never too early to start teaching your kids about money. By proactively explaining how money and banking work in the real world, you can help them begin their adult lives on solid financial footing. Here are some ideas. Help kids to start earning money. Letting kids earn money is a good first step to learning positive…
Cutting expenses is often easier said than done. It’s easy for somebody to say Just cut your expenses! Stop getting a to-go espresso everyday! Eliminating something from your monthly budget, though, may come down to figuring out the best way to change your spending habits. Here are several ideas that may help. Build a list of named goals. Getting…
Keeping your taxes as low as possible requires paying attention to your financial situation throughout the year. Here are some tips for getting a head start on tax planning for your 2024 return: Review your paycheck withholdings. Now is a good time to check your tax withholdings to make sure you haven’t been paying…
The digital revolution is changing the way we think about necessary skills. Being so interconnected digitally, navigating technology, and understanding the basics about how it’s built and how it’s intended to be used is more important than ever for the next generation. Here are several of the top tech skills for kids to consider learning…
When it comes to avoiding household accidents, an ounce of prevention is often worth a pound of cure. Fortunately, just knowing about some of the most common household perils is a solid first step to avoiding them completely. Here’s a look at several of the most common accidents that occur at home and several tips…
When it comes to keeping your online accounts safe, strong passwords that nobody can guess are an essential tool. Many struggle, though, with password fatigue because you need to have a password for…well, everything. And then you need to change these passwords every several months! While most of us understand the need for strong passwords…
The IRS seems to always have a surprise up its sleeve for the unsuspecting taxpayer. Here’s a fun True or False quiz to test your knowledge of what’s taxable. Enjoy! If a thief steals someone’s property, he owes tax on the value of the stolen property. True. But don’t expect the person whose property was stolen…